Aritst: The Sword
Album: Gods of the Earth
Released: July 2008
Label: Kemando Records
Genre: Metal
Purchase date: 02 Jan 2011
Format: mp3 files
Source: eMusic
This is the sophomore album from the Texas metal band The Sword. Their 2010 release Warp Riders had become one of my favorite records of the year. I had picked up their debut years ago, so with a few bonus eMusic credits, I decided to download this one.
Searing dueling metal guitars and sludgy bass stand up to leader JD Cronise's clean vocals. Lyrically, the songs are all about fantasy and mythological themes, a trend shared with their first album Age of Winters. Despite the kind-of-hokey D&D themes that so many metal bands seem to like, this is a very good metal. It's more of a throwback to '70s-vintage acts like Black Sabbath and early Iron Maiden. I didn't like it as much as their most recent release, but this is still a lot of fun.
Rating: B+