Artist: Wye Oak
Album: The Knot
Released: July 2009
Label: Merge Records
Genre: indie folk/dream pop
Purchase date: 07 Jan 2010
Wye Oak is a Baltimore-based duo, with Andy Stack on drums, keyboards, and harmony vocals; and Jenn Wasner on guitar and lead vocal. On their sophomore album The Knot, the band spins an exquisitely gorgeous, dense, dreamy sound around somewhat simple melodies and melancholy lyrics. This album is all about experiencing the sound-- a mesmerizing, droning, beautiful sound that I found extremely arresting. I sometimes put music on in the background while I'm doing something else, and while this music doesn't demand your attention, you will suddenly find yourself lost in its lushness. On the downside, the band doesn't try all that hard to distinguish one track from another, and there is no sense of motion. However, in the moment, the music is wonderful.